About This Release

PDF: About WebFOCUS Release 8205.16

Learn more about the new features introduced in the 8205.16 release, the release notes, and what's been fixed. This topic also provides you with the gen information and system requirements. 

Prompting for DBMS Credentials at Runtime for Procedure and Upload

You can configure the server to prompt for user credentials on running a procedure and upload. First, you must enable this feature on the server by adding connections_autoprompt=y in the admin.cfg file.

This setting can be enabled from the Workspace page. Click Settings, Workspace SET, then Profile Settings. The Profile Settings page opens, as shown in the following image.

Selecting Adapter Connections for Upload and Data Load

The new JSON-based SET CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTES_EXT command supports the following parameter to allow the adapter connection to be available for Upload, Quick Copy and Custom Copy.


If this parameter is set to "y" , the connection is available for upload and data load and would be shown in the Load Options dialog box for any data load. This is the default value.
If this parameter is set to "n", the server will hide this connection in the Load Options dialog box.

Web Console Enhancements

A user can add a file to the list of favorites personalized for the user by right-clicking a file on the Web Console and clicking Add to Favorites.

In addition, the myhome application directory for each user contains a file named history.txt that contains a list of recent files opened by the user. By default, the history file contains the ten most recent files opened by the user.

WebFOCUS Fixed-In Report PDF

Provides descriptions of the fixes for WebFOCUS Release 8206.

This information is now accessible from the 8206 Release Notes topics.

WebFOCUS Release Guide PDF

This topic describes relevant release information for WebFOCUS Release 8206.

WebFOCUS Release Notes PDF

Learn more about the new features introduced in the 8206 releases, the known issues, and what's been fixed. This topic also provides you with the gen information and system requirements. 

Server New Features PDF

Describes new features for the WebFOCUS Reporting Server

Server Release Notes PDF

Lists release notes for the WebFOCUS Reporting Server