Reporting Server

Showing Profiling in a Data Flow

You can generate a distribution chart for each column in the flow, which shows a visual image of the field values. The profile chart displays below the field name and shows:

  • The range of values for numeric and date fields.
  • The count of unique values (categories) for character fields.

To show the profiling distribution charts:

Editing Fields in a Data Flow

By default, all fields in a single-segment data source, or all fields from top segment in a multi-segment data source are automatically added to flow. You can turn off this option in the Advanced Options dialog box.

To edit the fields in the flow, right-click the SQL object, and click Edit. The Metadata and Query panes open.

Enabling Sampling for a Data Flow

When a data source in a flow has a large volume of data, you can enable sampling for better response time. You can make decisions based on a sample, provided that sample is representative of the entire data set. Data Prep has a built-capability to automatically generate a random sample (with a 99% confidence level and +/- 1% margin of error).

To enable sampling:

Generating Sample Files for Data Preparation

Citi Bike provides data monthly as zipped comma-separated values (.csv) files that contain the following data values:

  • Trip Duration (seconds) 
  • Start Time and Date
  • Stop Time and Date
  • Start Station Name
  • End Station Name
  • Station ID
  • Station Latitude/Longitude
  • Bike ID
  • User Type (Customer = 24-hour pass or 3-day pass user. Subscriber = Annual Member.)
  • Gender (Zero=unknown; 1=male; 2=female)
  • Year of Birth 

To download a ridership file;

Preparing Data With a Data Flow

Before you load data into your target data source, you can enhance it for your needs. This massaging of the data prior to loading is called data preparation. You can take advantage of the data preparation options to, for example, convert numeric codes to meaningful attributes, discard erroneous data, smooth out ragged data into manageable bins, and blend descriptive data from additional data sources. 

Video: New Data Preparation Workflow

Before you load data into your target data source, you can enhance it for your needs in a process called data preparation, which features options allowing you to convert numeric codes into meaningful attributes, discard erroneous data, smooth ragged data out into manageable bins, and blend descriptive data from additional sources. You can also use data preparation calculations to create new fields.

You can access data preparation options when you create a new data flow from the Applications page by clicking New and selecting Flow.

Generating WebFOCUS Retail Demo Sample Data

You can generate WebFOCUS Retail Demo sample data and metadata using the WebFOCUS Server or DataMigrator Server, and use it to test WebFOCUS features with a consistent, preconfigured data source. This sample data set is also used in many examples in technical topics and videos, allowing you to follow along to get the same results.

You can generate these sample files using the following steps.

TIBCO WebFOCUS Reporting Server and TIBCO Data Migrator Release Notes PDF

This content describes the latest updates for Server Release 8207.

Reporting Server Installation PDF

This content describes how to install the WebFOCUS Server.

Reporting Server Administration PDF

This content describes how to use and monitor the WebFOCUS Server.