System hangs when trying to upload an 80,000 record spreadsheet via the Reporting Server Web Console

Product: WebFOCUS Application and Enterprise Editions
Release: 8205
Primary OS: Windows
Solution Date:


System hangs when trying to upload an 80,000 record spreadsheet via the Reporting Server Web Console.


Reducing the file size to 40,000 records allowed the file to load. This lead us to understand there was a limit in place somewhere. It was determined the IIS server was placing the limit on the file size.

Here are the steps to address this issue:

  1. Access your IIS server.
  2. Select the default web site and choose Request Filtering.
  3. Open Feature and select Edit Request Filtering Settings.
  4. Increase the Maximum allowed content length (Bytes) setting. The default is 30000000 (30MB).