Target files of a DataMigrator Flow are not written to the destination folder


Product: DataMigrator
Release: 8205
Primary OS: Linux
Solution Date:


W unauthorized access


Target files of a DataMigrator Flow are not written to the destination folder. The edaprint.log shows the error message above.


An investigation identified the wrong ID or role was used to submit the flow. As per the trace, the failing flow was submitted by an Application Developer role,  an Application Admin role should be used.

 13.45.31 AT pthsec_traceFile: Calculated privs for /ibiapps/ibi/apps/admin/clm_tables_itr.csv [AREAD,PRRUN,ALIST]. User (inherit from role Appli
          AT cation Developer). Match /ibiapps/ibi/apps
 13.45.31 AT pthsec_tracePriv: privilege='AREAD,PRRUN,ALIST'
 13.45.31 NG ioh_exceptChk:    access_mask=<AREAD,PRRUN,ALIST>, access_needed=<ARWRT>

Permissions error is preventing the write operation. Running the DataMigrator Flows with the proper role resolved the issue.