User receives errors using Data Assist to change datatype for SSAS Tabular adapter


Product: Reporting Server
Release: 8206 Release: 7710
Primary OS: Windows
Solution Date:


(FOC1400) SQLCODE IS -1055129595 (HEX: C11C0005)
(FOC1500) : Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services.: There's not enough
(FOC1500) : memory to complete this operation. Please try again later when there
(FOC1500) : may be more memory available.


The user receives the error messages above when using Data Assist in the Reporting Server's Web Console to save a change to the datatype of a measure in a synonym representing an SSAS Tabular adapter.


The AUTORUN and DATA PREVIEW options were enabled and the query to sample data exhausted memory. Turning those options off resolved the issue.

Here are the steps to accomplish this:

  1. Access the Web Console.
  2. Go to Workspace.
  3. On the top button bar, choose Settings and click Settings for Web Console Preferences.
  4. Under Data Assist, locate the AUTORUN and AUTO_DATA_PREVIEW options. You can enable/disable the options here.