Creating Shortcuts

You can create shortcuts to repository files and Master files. Once a shortcut to a Master file is created, you can use it to build visualizations and reports. Once a shortcut to a repository file is created, you can copy, delete, edit, and run this item. You can also publish and share your shortcuts to make them available for other users and groups.

Note: Only users with the opShortcut privilege are able to create shortcuts. For more information on privileges, see the WebFOCUS Security and Administration technical content.

Procedure: How to Create a Shortcut to a Repository File

  1. Select the workspace or folder where you want your new shortcut to reside.
  2. On the Action Bar, under the Other tab, click Shortcut.

    The New Shortcut dialog box opens.

  3. Click Browse.

    The Select dialog box opens.

  4. Using the breadcrumb trail, navigate to the resource of your choice, such as folder, report, chart, or visualization, and then click Select.

    The Title field populates with the name of the original item and the word Shortcut. For example, if you create a shortcut to the item Chart1, the shortcut title will be Chart1 - Shortcut.

  5. Optionally, you can edit the Title and populate the Summary field.
  6. Click OK.

    The new shortcut appears in the selected location.

Procedure: How to Create a Shortcut to a Master File

  1. Select the workspace or folder where you want your new shortcut to reside.
  2. On the Action Bar, under the Other tab, click Shortcut.

    The New Shortcut dialog box opens.

  3. Click the Master file radio button, as shown in the following image

  4. Click Browse.

    The Select dialog box opens.

  5. Navigate to the Master File you to which you want to create a shortcut, and then click Select.

    The Title field populates with the name of the original item.

  6. Optionally, edit the Title and populate the Summary field.
  7. Click OK.

    The new shortcut appears in the selected directory.