Showing Profiling in a Data Flow

You can generate a distribution chart for each column in the flow, which shows a visual image of the field values. The profile chart displays below the field name and shows:

  • The range of values for numeric and date fields.
  • The count of unique values (categories) for character fields.

To show the profiling distribution charts:

  1. Create a flow and select columns
  2. Click the Show Profiling button () above the sample data on the Edit Selection page or the flow page.

The profiling distribution charts display below the field names and above the field values, as shown in the following image.

Some the interesting facts about the data shown by the distribution charts that are that the number of start stations is 788 (the number of categories displayed above the distribution chart for the Start Station Name alphanumeric field), the Pershing Square North station is the most popular starting station (which makes sense as it is near a major transportation hub), and that the trip durations range from 61 seconds to over 2 million seconds (a range is shown for numeric fields).

  • An icon that identifies the data type of the field displays above the field name in each column. If the column was calculated, an equal sign is added before the icon.


    Data Type Icon
    Location ;









  • Below the field name, there is a summary of the distribution of the data values. For numeric and date fields, it shows the range of values, and for character fields, it shows a count of categories (unique values).
  • By default, the distribution charts are sorted by frequency in descending order. You can click the Sort Type button to sort item by value, and the arrow to change the sort order.


    Description Icon
    Sort Type
    Sort Order





  • A search icon (magnifying glass) in each column enables you to search for values in the column. Enter the text you want to find. As you type and search the finds the values, it highlights any matching values and scrolls the chart so that the first bar with the highlighted values is at the type. To remove the search, either delete the characters or click the X to the right of the search box. To close the search box, click the X when the search box is empty.