Working With Date Controls

Parameters that contain dates are recognized by WebFOCUS Designer as date controls. An example of the date controls on the page is shown in the following image.

In this example, each of the controls is associated with a distinct parameter. One parameter uses the Greater Than WHERE condition, the other parameter uses the Less Then WHERE condition.

Note: Date controls only work with fields that feature combinations of YYMD date format. The date format must have all components (year, month, day) to display correctly. Date-Time field formats are not supported. For more information on rules for simple filters and calendar controls, see the Developing Reporting Applications manual.

The calendar feature inside a date control allows you to select a specific date value. Once you pick a specific date, it is always spelled out, so that it can be supported by all internationalized applications.

Optionally, you can combine two date controls into one date range control. To do so, multi-select two date controls and then click Combine. An example of a combined date range control is shown in the following image.

The user can select a custom range of dates, as shown in the image, or use any of the presents to select a more general date period.