Business Intelligence Portal PDF

This content describes how to use the Business Intelligence (BI) Portal in WebFOCUS 8. It is intended for designers who build complete, modern websites.

About WebFOCUS Release 8205.18

The following topic provides all the information that you need to know about this release of WebFOCUS.

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New Features in 8205.18

There were no new features included in this release.

See all 8205 new features.

Known Issues for 8205.18

There were no known issues included in this release.

Video: How to Review Application Log Files

Hello. In this video, we are going to show you the Application Log Files page. This feature is available in WebFOCUS Release 8204 and higher. 
This page captures logs generated by application utilities, such as change management imports, portal conversions, or database upgrades. 
By placing links to application utility logs on a single page in the Administration Console, WebFOCUS makes it easy to locate, open, and review logs recording the events that occurred during the most recent runs of your application utilities.
Let’s get started. 

Using the Options Toolbar in Insight

The Options toolbar is located in the upper-right corner of the Insight interface. These options control your interactions with your data, including options such as pivoting and filtering. You can also change your chart type using the Chart Picker option.

Reference: Options Toolbar Icons

The following section describes the icons that display on the Options toolbar.

Changing Summary Operators for a Field in Insight

When working with measure fields, you can change the summary operators for the field from Summary (default) to Average, Maximum, or Minimum. You can also change a Count field to Count Distinct, using a similar menu selection.

When you make a selection, the axis of the relevant measure updates in the chart, as shown in the following image.

Options for changing the Summary field are shown in the following image.

Working With Charts in Insight

With Insight, you can choose individual fields for the buckets that you add. Whether you added fields into the Query pane before running Insight or you added fields to the existing buckets (or buckets that you add), creating a chart in Insight is streamlined to allow you to easily create a dynamic chart in real time. It also provides you with the flexibility of interactive comparison as you change your data selections rapidly and adjust the options for display.

Video: How to Download Chart Plug-ins From the HTML5 Chart Extensions Page

Today, we’re going to introduce the HTML5 Chart Extensions Console, which is a way to create your own chart types using JavaScript and visualization libraries such as D3, and use those chart types in InfoAssist.

Even if you don’t have the coding skills necessary to create your own chart type, you can install a chart extension. 

Once it is installed and enabled, WebFOCUS makes the chart type associated with that chart extension available in InfoAssist, giving you more charting options.

Video: How to Manage the Data Values Cache

Welcome to this video to demonstrate a new feature, and help understand how it works. This video will explain how to use the Data Values Application Cache.
In order to see the impact of this cache, we will turn on Session Viewer traces. So, from the Administrator menu on the Home Page, we will select Tools, Session Viewer.
This is the Session Viewer, and we will set the tracing level to DEBUG. We will now activate the Data Values Cache using its settings in the Administration Console. 
Let’s open another Administration Console. 

About WebFOCUS Release 8205.17

The following topic provides all the information that you need to know about this release of WebFOCUS.

Have questions? Click Send Us Feedback (on the right) and we'll be in touch!

New Features in 8205.17

There were no new features included in this release.

See all 8205 new features.

Known Issues for 8205.17

There were no known issues included in this release.