Navigating the WebFOCUS Home Page

The Home Page is the default landing page that opens when you first sign in to WebFOCUS. It serves as a centralized place for creating, organizing, and sharing content, performing administrative tasks, scheduling reports and procedures, and working with your data. These functions are controlled by the permissions that are assigned to role of a user. To learn more about the available roles in WebFOCUS, see the WebFOCUS Security and Administration technical content.

The default Home Page is shown in the following image. The appearance of this page may vary, depending on the configuration or setup of your organization. For example, the administrator in your organization may configure a custom sign-in page and home page.

The main elements of the Home Page are:

  • Banner
  • Sidebar
  • WebFOCUS Explorer


The banner is located on the upper-right corner of the Home Page.

From the banner, you can access the User menu, from which you can perform the following tasks:

  • Administration:
    • Access the Security Center, where you define users and groups, and grant access permissions.
    • Access the Administration Console, where you configure, administer, and monitor the components of the WebFOCUS environment.
    • Access the Magnify Console, where you specify settings, configure security, and perform maintenance and diagnostic tasks for Magnify.
    • View and administer private resources for groups and users.
    • Switch between Normal mode, seeing your own content, and Manager mode, managing other user content.
  • Tools:
    • Access the ESRI Configuration Utility to create or edit a file.
    • View the status of deferred reports, and manage them.
    • Stop outstanding interactive requests that are running.
    • Access the ReportCaster Explorer, where you view ReportCaster content within columns that provide detailed information specific to the displayed ReportCaster item, such as Schedules, Distribution Lists, Library Access Lists, Library Reports, and Watch List Reports.
    • Access the ReportCaster Status, where you view the status of your scheduled jobs and log reports. Authorized users can also view the status of the ReportCaster Distribution Server and perform configuration and administration tasks.
    • Access the Magnify Search Page.
  • Configure the Home Page preferences.
  • Access the online Help and other resources, including the WebFOCUS Information Center, Information Builders web site, and Community.
  • Access the Legacy Home Page.
  • Change your password.
  • Sign out of WebFOCUS.

From the banner, you can also toggle the sidebar. Click the toggle button to expand or collapse the sidebar.

Note: Expanding or collapsing the sidebar is remembered as a preference. The last status of the sidebar before you sign off is applied when you sign in.


You can use the sidebar to switch between five views of your repository content. These include:

  • Content. Displays your repository content and provides options so you can create, share, and modify domains and content. Here, you can also upload files and spreadsheets, connect to data, create portals and pages, and generate sample content.
  • Portals. Displays all of the existing portals in your repository. If tags are created for these portals, tag buttons display on top of the portals.
  • Favorites. Displays the items that you designate as favorites. To designate an item as a Favorite, right-click the item, and click Add to Favorites.
  • Ask WebFOCUS. Provides access to WebFOCUS InfoSearch, where you can search your repository for content and data values, compare statistics, and perform other analytical tasks. To use WebFOCUS InfoSearch, type your inquiry in the search field or click the microphone icon and ask a question.

WebFOCUS Explorer

The WebFOCUS Explorer is the main component of the Home Page. Here, you can create and interact with content, work with data, create sample content, organize your repository structure and perform other essential tasks. The WebFOCUS Explorer is shown in the following image.

The WebFOCUS Explorer consists of the following elements:

  • Navigation bar

    The navigation bar is located beneath the banner and above the WebFOCUS Explorer area. You can use the navigation bar to move between folders in your repository, search the contents of a domain or folder, change the view of items in the content area, and refresh content in a domain or folder you select.

    When you drill down into folders in your repository, the navigation bar generates a breadcrumb trail that you can use to move between folders. You can move back one folder or multiple folders in a single click. You can click a folder name to view the contents of that folder. You can also click arrows between the folders, to see the file structure that is currently displayed, as shown in the following image. The selected folder appears in bold text.

    From the navigation bar, you can also search for items in your repository. To search for an item, type a key word in the Search field and press Enter. The results of your search display in the content area.

  • Resources tree

    The Resources tree provides a way to view your repository structure and navigate between domains and folders that are available to you. The following image shows an example of a Resources tree.

    You can expand or collapse folders by clicking the plus (+) or minus (-) sign . When you click a folder, its contents display in the content area. You can also right-click a folder to access a shortcut menu of available options.

  • Action bar

    You can use the Action Bar to create analytical content, upload files and spreadsheets, connect to data, build portals and pages, schedule procedures, and generate sample content using the options available to you for a domain or folder. The following image shows an example of the Action Bar an advanced or basic user has access to for a folder.

    The default view of the Action Bar displays the most common options available to you.

  • Content area

    The content area displays the items contained within a domain or folder that is currently selected. An example of a content area is shown in the following image.

    If a resource contains folders and items, the folders are always displayed first, followed by the items. Items shown in the content area include reports, charts, pages, portals, and more.

Using the Action Bar

The Action Bar is available on the Home Page, in the Content View and enables you to create analytical content, upload files and spreadsheets, connect to data, build portals and pages, schedule procedures, and generate sample content.

Access to options and categories on the Action Bar is subject to permissions and determined by your role in a domain. Contact your administrator to obtain access to additional options. To learn more about roles, see the WebFOCUS Security and Administration technical content.

Action Bar categories display at the folder level, and not from the Domains node view. If you click the Domains node, the Action Bar displays Domain and Folder buttons.

Action Bar Overview

Depending on your view, the Action Bar is organized by tabs into the following categories:

  • Common. Displays buttons for actions you would most commonly use.
  • Data. Displays buttons for using different WebFOCUS data workflows.
  • Designer. Displays buttons for content that can be created using WebFOCUS Designer.
  • InfoAssist. Displays buttons for content that can be created using InfoAssist.
  • Schedule. Displays buttons for using WebFOCUS ReportCaster.
  • Other. Displays buttons for additional WebFOCUS actions, such as creating links, shortcuts, blogs, and collaborative portals.

Similar to the Resources tree, you can collapse the actions bar to make more room for the content area. To collapse the actions bar, click the arrow in the upper-right corner of the actions bar, as shown in the following image.

The following table lists and describes all of the content items that you can create from the Action Bar on the WebFOCUS Home Page.

Action Button




Creates a folder or a portal section if used inside a portal. This option is available from the Common and Other tabs.

Upload Data

Uploads an Excel spreadsheet, CSV, JS, or XML file to your database. This option is available from the Common and Data tabs.


Creates synonyms by connecting to various data sources. This option is available from the Common and Data tabs.


Creates a workbook file, where you can create charts and reports, combine embedded charts and reports with external content, and use the integration of the chart, report, and page modes to create compelling displays. This option is available from the Common and Designer tabs.

Chart (Designer)

Creates a graphical representation of data in WebFOCUS Designer. This option is available from the Common and Designer tabs.


Creates a tabular representation of your data created in InfoAssist. This option is available from the Common and InfoAssist tabs.


Creates a page in WebFOCUS Designer, which is a flexible interactive application for various BI content, including charts, visualization, reports, maps, URLs, and other resources. This option is available from the Common and Designer tabs.


Enables you to edit or delete previously created synonyms. This option is available from the Data tab.

Reporting Object

Creates a report procedure (FEX) that is a tailored view of data that groups or individual users use to create personal reports quickly, and in compliance with the reporting rules and guidelines of your company. This option is available from the Data tab.

Chart (InfoAssist)

Creates a graphical representation of your data created in InfoAssist. This option is available from the InfoAssist tab.


Creates a graphical representation of your data, comprised of one or more visuals. Visuals can be charts, maps, or grids. This option is available from the InfoAssist tab.


Creates a customized document in InfoAssist. This option is available from the InfoAssist tab.

Sample Content

A set of sample charts, reports, and dashboard that is generated automatically based on uploaded Excel workbooks, CSV files, or existing single-segment Master Files in your repository. This option is available from the InfoAssist tab.


Creates a report procedure that evaluates whether a defined condition is true or a file exists to determine whether to run (trigger) the specified or referenced report request. ReportCaster can be used to schedule and distribute an Alert report and specify how the Alert test should be evaluated after it has been triggered. This option is available from the InfoAssist tab.

Access List

Specifies the groups and users that the private Library report can be shared. This option is available from the Schedule tab.

Distribution List

Specifies the email addresses, directory locations, or printers that you can configure to distribute a schedule. This includes Email, FTP, or Printer. This option is available from the Schedule tab.


Specifies when to run a report procedure, how to distribute the report (Email, FTP, Report Library, Printer), and the destination to which the report will be distributed. This is available when you are licensed for ReportCaster. This option is available from the Schedule tab.

Upload File

Uploads files such as images and office documents to the repository. This option is available from the Other tab.


Creates a link to a web page that can be displayed inside a portal or page or within the WebFOCUS repository. This option is available from the Other tab.


Creates a shortcut to a repository file or a Master file. This option is available from the Other tab.

Text Editor

Opens a simple editor where you can create, view, and edit the source code for procedures, procedure components, Master Files and Access Files, and other types of files. This option is available from the Other tab.


Creates an interactive item that operates as commonly seen blogs on the internet, and allows users to post and view comments. This option is available from the Other tab.

Portal Page

Creates a page from which you can organizes dynamic content. A portal page can be created as part of a portal, in which case it resides in the Resources folder of that portal by default. Portal pages can only be viewed inside a portal. This option is available from the Other tab.

Collaborative Portal

Creates an analytical content management and deployment system that provides a flexible environment for users to access BI content, including visualizations, reports, charts, maps, and interactive InfoApps. This option is available from the Other tab.

Using the Content Area 

The content area displays the items contained within a domain or folder that is currently selected. An example of a content area is shown in the following image.

If a resource contains folders and items, the folders are always displayed first, followed by the items. Items shown in the content area include reports, charts, pages, portals, and more.

You can sort your content by using the two sorting menus in the upper-left corner of the Content Area. One allows you to sort by various criteria, such as title, summary, size, last modified and published dates. The other menu toggles between the descending and ascending orders. You can also create a customized sorting order, by configuring the Sort Order property for the item. If the sort order is configured, the Default Sort option is added to the menu.

You can right-click any folder or item to access a shortcut menu of options. The following options are available when you right-click a folder or item in the content area.

  • Expand/Collapse. Expands or collapses a folder. This option is only available for folders.
  • Run. Runs the report procedure or schedule.
  • Run in new window. Runs the selected item in a new browser window or tab.
  • Run deferred. Submits a report procedure or a schedule for deferred execution.
  • Run with SQL trace. Runs a report and includes an SQL trace of the report results.
    Note: The Run with SQL Trace option is not available for visualizations.
  • Schedule. Launches the scheduling tool, where you can schedule a report procedure to be run. Scheduling options include Email, FTP, Printer, Report Library, and Repository.
  • View log. Launches the Schedule Log Options dialog box, where you can select whether to view the most recent log report for the schedule, or specify a time range for which to obtain log reports. This option is only available for schedules.
  • View. Enables you to launch the URL or download a copy of the file to your browser. This option is available for URLs, Excel Workbooks, PDF, HTML, and Image Files.
  • Edit. Edits an item with the tool that was used to create it.
  • Edit with text editor. Edits an item in the Text Editor.
  • Create shortcut. Creates a shortcut to this item.
  • Duplicate. Makes a copy of the folder or item with an underscore and number appended to the title, for example, duplicating Sales_Report creates Sales_Report_1 in the same location. The number is incremented each time a duplicate is created.
  • Cut, Copy, and Paste. Cuts, copies, or pastes the folder and its contents or item.
  • Delete. Deletes the folder and its contents or item.
  • Publish/Unpublish. Allows or suppresses public access to the content.
  • Show/Hide. Shows or hides the folder or item.
  • Share/Unshare. Shares content with all users that are permitted to access this content. Unshare stops sharing content with all users.
  • Security. Provides access to the following options:
    • Rules. Opens the rules defined for the folder or item. Here you can modify the rules for a given item.
    • Rules on this resource. Shows the security rules for the folder or item.
    • Effective policy. Shows the defined rules that specify the permitted functionality on the folder or item.
    • Owner. Allows you to set the resource owner, either Published (no specific owner), or a specific group or user.
  • Customizations. Provides access to the following options:
    • Remove my customizations. Removes your own customizations from a portal and its pages.
    • Remove customizations for all users. Removes all user customizations and custom pages created at run time.
      Note: These options are only available for portals and portal pages.
  • Manage alias. Opens the Manage Alias dialog box, where you can create an alias for the selected collaborative portal. This feature is only available to Administrators. This option is only available for portals.
  • Open item location. Redirects to the folder where the item is located. This option is only available for portals in the Portals view.
  • Comments. Provides access to the following options:
    • View comments. Opens the blog item and expands all comments.
    • Remove all comments. Clears all comments from the blog.
      Note: These options are only available for blogs.
  • Unlink. Removes the page from all portals. This option is only available for portal pages.
  • Add to Favorites. Adds the item to the Favorites folder.
  • Remove favorite. Removes the Favorite from the list. This option is only available for Favorites.
  • Properties. Opens the Properties panel to display the properties of the folder or item.