

A join is a temporary connection between two or more data sources that share at least one common field. After you join two data sources, each time that WebFOCUS retrieves a record from the first data source (the host file), it also retrieves the matching records from the second data source (the target file).

For more information on joining data sources, see the WebFOCUS InfoAssist User's Manual.


391I8206: Self-Service Analytics With InfoAssist (Advanced Techniques)

This course goes beyond the basics to show you how to use Information Builders’ InfoAssist for governed self-service reporting, analysis, and data discovery. Besides point-and-click methodologies, it also covers techniques and best practices to gain more insights about your data.

You will learn how to:

390S8206: Self-Service Analytics With InfoAssist (Basic Techniques) (Self-Study)

This course will show you how to use Information Builders’ InfoAssist, an enterprise-grade analytics tool connected to the WebFOCUS BI and analytics platform, for governed self-service reporting, analysis, and data discovery. It will also introduce you to the WebFOCUS BI infrastructure and background information necessary to use InfoAssist effectively.

390I8206: Self-Service Analytics With InfoAssist (Basic Techniques)

This course will show you how to use Information Builders’ InfoAssist, an enterprise-grade analytics tool connected to the WebFOCUS BI and analytics platform, for governed self-service reporting, analysis, and data discovery. It will also introduce you to the WebFOCUS BI infrastructure and background information necessary to use InfoAssist effectively.

220S8206: Embedding WebFOCUS BI in Custom Applications (Self-Study)

Are you looking for ways to incorporate WebFOCUS content into your custom application? With this course, you will work through examples on how to embed WebFOCUS Portals, InfoAssist reports and charts, and ReportCaster schedules into your custom applications using RESTFul web services. The course is primarily delivered in HTML and jQuery but the principles are the same for other development languages.

You will learn how to:

Video: How to Use Drill-Down Links to Filter a Portal

You can use the Refresh BI Portal drill-down option on content created in InfoAssist to filter content on multiple pages of a portal, allowing you to synchronize the data in many content items at once.
To set it up, create a report with drilldowns using the Refresh BI Portal option, set up associated parameters in the other content that you want to be affected, and then build your pages and add them to a portal.

Video: Getting Started With InfoAssist

Welcome to InfoAssist, a web-based tool that makes reporting and data analysis easy.

InfoAssist is a powerful tool that you can use to make sense of your data, identify trends in it, and turn it into intuitive reports, charts, visualizations, and documents that you can distribute throughout your organization to share your insights.

Let’s take a look.

You can open InfoAssist to create content directly from the WebFOCUS Home Page…