Using the Mobile Apps

The WebFOCUS Mobile apps empower users of iPad and iPhone devices, or Android phones and tablets, with robust, innovative, easy-to-use reporting and analysis. The apps allow users to manipulate data from a variety of sources in an almost unlimited number of ways in just a couple of taps. Users can also manage their business dashboards and content for viewing and interactive analysis, even when they are not connected to the Internet.

As of WebFOCUS Release 8.2 Version 04, the existing Mobile Favorites folder on the WebFOCUS Home Page has been merged with the Favorites folder. Any existing Mobile Favorites from previous releases have been automatically migrated into the Favorites folder and given a localized Mobile Faves tag, and no extra steps are required to view your existing Faves content

You can download the free Mobile apps from the App Store or the Google Play™ Store.

Once downloaded, tap Add Server to connect to the WebFOCUS Server for your company in the page that opens. After you are done entering the credentials for your server, tap Save. You are now ready to interact with the Mobile Faves app.