Adding Content to Pages

Video: How to Enable Content Customization on a Page

In this video we will learn how to enable content customization in WebFOCUS Designer. As an alternative to static content, you can enable users to customize their content at run time and make portal pages more useful and interactive.In WebFOCUS Designer, drag an empty panel or a content item to the canvas. 

Video: Personalizing Default Values for Filter Controls

In this video we will discuss how to use a && (double-ampersand) variable to personalize default values in filter controls on the page. This feature is especially useful if you want to customize the initial view of the page and its content for specific users and groups. In this example, let’s personalize the region value for different users.

Personalizing Default Values for Filter Controls

You can personalize default values for filters in a page based on users or conditions. This feature uses the amper (&&) global variable to specify the default option for a filter control. For example, you can set the Region value for a user, using the && global variable, and link it to the filter control to show their region as the selected value.

Procedure: How to Personalize Default Values for Filter Controls

Adding Panels to a Responsive Container

You can utilize responsive panel in panel behavior by adding items to a panel group. When you run the page, top-level containers in the page, including the panel group, fold responsively based on the size of the browser, and the panels within the panel group fold based on its current size, independent of the rest of the page. Additionally, items in the panel group are kept together when folding occurs. A panel group can be a good way to group together closely related content that you want to be visually separated from the other items on the page.

Creating Custom Templates

Aside from the default templates that WebFOCUS Designer offers, you can create custom templates that reflect your unique layout. They are a great way to add structural variation or highly customized layouts to your page. Custom templates are also useful for organizations that have a set style for all of their pages. You must have administrator access to WebFOCUS to deploy custom templates.

Applying Themes And Styles to Pages

While customizing your page, you can apply themes and styles to various page elements. The general theme of the page is defined by the Theme setting, which you can configure in the Properties panel, on the page level. A theme affects the look of the entire set of elements on the page, including colors, opacity, and typeface styles. Themes also dictate the color scheme for the Styles setting, which you can configure in the Properties panel, on the section and container levels.

There are three themes that WebFOCUS Designer offers:

Working With Date Controls

Parameters that contain dates are recognized by WebFOCUS Designer as date controls. An example of the date controls on the page is shown in the following image.

In this example, each of the controls is associated with a distinct parameter. One parameter uses the Greater Than WHERE condition, the other parameter uses the Less Then WHERE condition.