Formatting Charts in WebFOCUS Designer

Charts allow you to present information graphically, using such visual cues as color, size, and position to convey relationships between measures (numeric fields to be aggregated) and dimensions (categories) and to identify trends and outliers. You can create a wide variety of charts. For example, you can review your data (Gross Profit and Product Category) using different chart types (for example, bar chart, area chart, or line chart). The chart options give you an edge in deciding which chart to use.

Once you have created a chart, you can enhance it using various formatting tools. For example, bolding a legend, changing the color of an axis, or underlining a header to add emphasis. The chart formatting options allow you to specify how components display, enabling you to format your chart to suit your needs.

The formatting capabilities of WebFOCUS Designer let you indicate which aspects will display, how fonts are utilized, and which additional options will enable you to create an effective, styled chart. This allows you to control the display of your chart information, giving you every opportunity to create a chart that you can share, distribute, and reuse on pages.