Visualizing Data

Creating Calculations

When you create content, you are not restricted to the fields that exist directly in your data source. You can add calculations to automate summations and other mathematical tasks related to your data fields. You can specify operators, fields, variables, and functions when creating a calculation. If you can generate the information you want from the existing data, you can create a temporary field to evaluate and display it. A temporary field is a field whose value is not stored in the data source, but can be calculated from the data that is there.

Changing a Field Format

Changing the display or output format of fields that have been placed on the canvas or in field containers allows you to control how values in a field are interpreted and the styling that they use when displayed. This feature allows for field display formatting, which is essential for any data-based content design tool.

Adding Headers and Footers to Content

You can use headers and footers to add key information, such as the purpose of your chart or report and the audience for whom it is intended.

You can add multiple lines of information into the heading and footing areas, and apply different styling options to different sections of the heading or footing. This accommodates thorough explanations and additional information, while offering the most readable presentation.

Working With Date Controls

Parameters that contain dates are recognized by WebFOCUS Designer as date controls. An example of the date controls for external content on the page is shown in the following image.

In this example, each of the controls is associated with a distinct parameter. One parameter uses the Greater Than WHERE condition, the other parameter uses the Less Than WHERE condition.

Working With Required Parameters

By default, when you create a prompted filter in WebFOCUS Designer, the filter is optional. You can right-click a new prompted filter and select Require selection, or select a prompted filter for existing content and clear the Optional check box on the Settings tab to make it required. This means that users must select a value at run-time before affected content on the page loads. Required controls from external content are marked in red, prompting you to make a selection for the request to be processed.

Summarizing Numeric Data Using Filters

When you create a filter for a measure field in new content, you can choose to filter by aggregated values, using a Summary filter, or by individual records, using a Detail filter. This enables you to review data from a high level or based on a more granular view.

To specify one of these options in a new prompted filter, when you place a measure on the Filter toolbar, right-click it and point to Filter on to access the Detail and aggregated filter options, which are shown in the following image.