Adding Filters to Pages Assembled From External Content

When you assemble a page from existing content, using the Assemble Visualizations option, the Filters tab on the sidebar allows you to display and chain filter controls. When you add an existing chart or report to a page, WebFOCUS Designer identifies any parameters present in the item. A badge appears on the Filters tab on the sidebar, indicating that you can add filters to the page, as shown in the following image.

When you open the Filters tab, the Add all filters to page button and a list of parameters from the content items on the page display. Click Add all filters to page to create filter controls for all of the listed parameters, or right-click each one and click Add to page to add them individually. Once added, the visibility icon next to the parameter is no longer faded.

Filters for fields that are part of the same hierarchy in the data source are automatically chained. This means that when you select a value from one of the filter controls, the other controls are filtered and updated based on the value that you select, ensuring that you can only select valid filter values. You can also manually apply chaining by dragging one parameter onto another in the parameter list. The filter becomes a child, for chaining purposes, of the field onto which it was placed. To unchain a parameter, drag it into the empty space between the Add all filters to page button and the top parameter in the list. The parameter is removed from the chaining hierarchy and moved to the bottom of the list.

Chaining relationships are indicated by indents in the parameter list. Filter controls are chained to any filters indented under it in the list. For example, in the following image, the Category filter is chained to the Product Model filter, so when you select a category, the list of available models in the filter control updates.

In this example, selections from the Category filter do not affect the Region or Store Type filters, since they are not part of the same chaining hierarchy, and, since filtering in an assembled page is unidirectional, values selected from the Product Model filter do not chain back up to the Category filter.