Working With Charts in Insight

With Insight, you can choose individual fields for the buckets that you add. Whether you added fields into the buckets before running Insight or left them empty, creating a chart in Insight is streamlined to allow you to easily create a dynamic chart in real time. It also provides you with the flexibility of interactive comparison as you change your data selections rapidly and adjust the options for display.

You can use the default vertical bar chart or you can specify a different chart type using the Chart Picker in the Options toolbar.

In addition, you can re-order the display of fields in your chart. This allows you to change the placement of a particular field, giving you control over where the data for this component displays in your chart.

Procedure: How to Configure a Basic Bar Chart Using Insight

  1. Click the plus icon under the Vertical Axis bucket.
  2. Choose a measure field from the drop-down list.
  3. Click the plus icon under the Horizontal Axis bucket.
  4. Choose a dimension field from the drop-down list.

    Your bar chart displays, as shown in the following image.

    Bar chart in Insight

Procedure: How to Change the Chart Type in Insight

  1. On the Options toolbar, click Chart Picker.

    The table of chart selections opens, as shown in the following image.

  2. Select a chart type.

    Your chart refreshes with the new chart type, and the Insight interface refreshes to display all of the buckets that are relevant to the current chart type.

Procedure: How to Delete a Field From a Bucket

  1. Add one or more fields to your chart.
  2. Hover over the field that you want to delete and click X, as shown in the following image.

    X button on Revenue field

    The chart refreshes to reflect your selections.

Procedure: How to Reorder the Display of Fields in a Bucket

  1. Add multiple fields to your chart, as shown in the following image.

    Bar chart in Insight with 2 measures

  2. In the Vertical Axis grouping, drag the second bucket into the first position. The placement of the field is shown by a dark blue vertical bar, as shown in the following image.

    reordering Quantity Sold to before Discount

    The following image shows the newly ordered fields.

    bar chart with reordered fields